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Title Nice cheaper alternative to Ciracle and Missha
Posted by sabsar8274 (ip:)
  • Rate 4points  
  • Date 2015-08-23 05:49:46
  • Recommend 119 Recommend
  • Views 1609

I bought this as a slightly cheaper alternative to Ciracle’s Pore Control Cleansing Brush plus the matching Pore Control Blackhead Brush, and Missha’s Pore Clear Cleansing Brush. To be honest, I can't really tell the difference between all three brushes, because they all look the same! The box is easy to open and the brush isn’t wrapped in anything except for a thin plastic covering around the bristles to help them keep their shape. I was a bit worried, because it was cheaper than the alternatives, that the bristles would feel coarse or cheap (like they would fall out easily). However, the bristles are very soft but sturdy enough to last more than a few washes. After two weeks' use, I've only noticed one bristle come loose. The handle is soft plastic but again, feels sturdy with a bit of weight behind it so it’s unlikely to slip out of your hand. The little rope is cute, but I have nowhere to hang the brush in my bathroom…! It has the SecretKey logo printed on the back of it, but it feels like it will probably wear off with use. I used Ciracle’s blackhead soap with it, and it created a nice, fine lather that didn’t feel like it was irritating my face. I feel like it did quite a good job cleaning around my nose, so I personally don’t feel like I would need to buy a smaller precision brush just for this. However, on my first use after washing off the soap, my face would tingle a little bit. I thought it was a side effect from the soap but I noticed it when using a different soap. So the brush does temporarily heighten the sensitivity of my skin and I felt I have to immediately pat toner on my face to calm it down a bit. After using the brush for a couple of weeks, the bristles have become softer and I don't feel that sensitive tingling on my face anymore. Overall, the brush is perfect and gentle enough for everyday cleaning. The only reason I haven't given this 5 stars is that I would have liked some kind of stand or container to put it in so it can dry out a bit better... I have to position it awkwardly on my bathroom shelf so the water doesn't collect at the base and dilute or dissolve the glue that's holding the bristles in place.

Attachment porebrush.PNG
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